»A truly astounding piece of work.«
Andrew Weatherall (legendary english musician, DJ, songwriter, producer and remixer) about EP “Initiation Rituals”.
Mednarodno uveljavljeni didžej in glasbeni producent sodobne elektronske glasbe z umetniškim imenom Christian Kroupa, pokriva žanre od techna, dub techna, housa, electra, industrial, drone, ambient, dark ambient, wave, dark wave, EBM (electric body music), EDM (electronic dance music), trance in druge sorodne žanre in podžanre. Otroštvo je preživel v Logatcu ter šolanje nadaljeval na Gimnaziji Postojna in na Gimnaziji Antona Aškerca v Ljubljani. Kot najstnik je bil športno aktiven, spogledoval pa se je tudi z (elektronsko) glasbo skupin The Prodigy, Scooter in z glasbo alternativnih klubskih izvajalcev, kot so James Ruskin, Adam Beyer, Richie Hawtin in drugi. Ključen za njegovo aktivno usmeritev v glasbene vode je bil obisk poletnega drum&bass dogodka na Trnfestu leta 2008, kjer je ob opazovanju lokalnih didžejev prišel do spoznanja, da bo sam pričel ustvarjati elektronsko “klubsko” glasbo.
Študij je sicer nadaljeval na Fakulteti za družbene vede, smer Analitska politologija, a se je potem raje 100% posvetil glasbi. Prve njegove izdaje segajo v leto 2010. Leta 2013 se je prijavil na Klubski Maraton Radia Študent. Bil je izbran in svojo glasbo je lahko predvajal občinstvu širom po Sloveniji. Potem se je na pobudo Dina Lalića prijavil na natečaj korporacije Red Bull Music Academy. Prijava je bila uspešna, saj je bil med šestdesetimi izbranci izmed več kot šest tisoč prijavljenimi. Izbor je pomenil večtedensko glasbeno izobraževanje v Tokiu, kjer je poleg spoznavanja glasbenega ustvarjanja in glasbene industrije spoznal tudi mnogo znanih glasbenikov elektronske glasbe. Posledično je nastopal v kultnem »placu« »The Liquidroom« v centru Tokia. Prvo vinilno ploščo je izdal pri založbi Farbwechsel. Takrat je prevzel tudi vodenje oddaje Flash Forward na Radiu Študent. V tem času je začel ustvarjati tudi pod imenom »Alleged Witches« z namenom ustvarjati bolj »tribal house« klubsko elektroniko ter v tem času navdušil precej občinstva v Veliki Britaniji. Legendarni britanski glasbeni producent, DJ oz. didžej klubske elektronske glasbe in ključni didžej acid housa, Andrew Weatherall, je EP ploščo Alleged Witches (alias Christian Kroupa): »Initiation Rituals«, ki je izšla pri angleški založbi ter festivalu Dimensions, ocenil kot »A truly astounding piece of work.« (= Osupljivo glasbeno delo, prevod Pina Gabrijan ). Tekom obdobja epidemije »Covid 19« je spet začel ustvarjati pod svojim prvotnim umetniškim imenom Christian Kroupa. Zadnje čase je bolj fokusiran na žanre kot so electro, EBM in podobne. Od leta 2021 sodeluje s hrvaškim (iz industrijskega Siska) didžejem in glasbenim producentom »Le Chocolat Noir (LCN)« pod skupnim imenom »Black Dot«. Kristjan Kroupa je poleg produkcije glasbe in izdaje plošč pri različnih priznanih tujih založbah in pri domači KRI (2021) čest gost glasbenih festivalov in znanih evropskih klubov s sodobno (plesno) elektronsko glasbo v Ljubljani, Berlinu, Varšavi, Pragi, Londonu, Barceloni in drugod.
Internationally renowned DJ and music producer of contemporary electronic music under the artistic name Christian Kroupa covers genres ranging from techno, dub techno, house, electro, industrial, drone, ambient, dark ambient, wave, dark wave, EBM (electric body music), EDM (electronic dance music), trance, and other related genres and subgenres. He spent his childhood in Logatec and continued his education at high school in Postojna and high school Gimnazija Anton Aškerc in Ljubljana. As a teenager, he was active in sports and also flirted with (electronic) music from groups like The Prodigy, Scooter, and alternative club performers such as James Ruskin, Adam Beyer, Richie Hawtin, and others. A pivotal moment in his active direction towards music was attending a summer drum & bass event at Trnfest in 2008, where, while observing local DJs, he came to the realization that he would start creating electronic “club” music himself. He continued his studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, majoring in Analytical Political Science, but then decided to dedicate himself 100% to music. His first releases date back to 2010. In 2013, he applied to Radio Student’s Club Marathon. He was selected, and his music could be played to audiences across Slovenia. He then, at the suggestion of Dino Lalić, applied to the Red Bull Music Academy competition. The application was successful, as he was among the sixty chosen out of over six thousand applicants. The selection meant weeks of music education in Tokyo, where, in addition to learning about music creation and the music industry, he also met many well-known electronic music musicians. As a result, he performed at the legendary venue “The Liquidroom“ in the center of Tokyo. He released his first vinyl record with the label Farbwechsel. At that time, he also took over the management of the Flash Forward show on Radio Student. During this time, he also started creating under the name “Alleged Witches“, aiming to produce more “tribal house” club electronic music and during this time gained quite a following in Great Britain. The legendary British music producer, DJ, or electronic music club DJ and key acid house DJ, Andrew Weatherall, reviewed the EP record Alleged Witches (alias Christian Kroupa): “Initiation Rituals,” released by the English label and festival Dimensions, as “A truly astounding piece of work.” During the period of the “Covid 19” epidemic, he started creating again under his original artistic name Christian Kroupa. Lately, he has been more focused on genres such as electro, EBM, and similar. Since 2021, he has been collaborating with Croatian (from the industrial town of Sisak) DJ and music producer “Le Chocolat Noir (LCN)” under the joint name “Black Dot“. In addition to producing music and releasing records with various renowned foreign labels and with the domestic KRI (2021), Christian Kroupa is a frequent guest at music festivals and well-known European clubs with contemporary (dance) electronic music in Ljubljana, Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, London, Barcelona, and elsewhere.
Dela / WORKS
- Izdaja EP plošče Love At Glance kot dvojec Black Dot pri založbi iz Barcelone Italo Moderni.
- Christian Kroupa in Le Chocolat Noir (LCN) pod imenom Black Dot prispevata posnetek za kompilacijsko kasetno izdajo albuma MRG014, izdanega pri italijanski založbi Marguerite Records.
- Posnetek izide tudi v okviru kompilacije Trust The Rust vol. 1 pri ljubljanski založbi KRI. Na tej kompilaciji se Christian Kroupa pojavi tudi v kolaboraciji z ameriško glasbenico ter didžejko Auro Nox.
- Sledi kratkometražna gramofonska plošča (EP – extended play oz. mini album) Structure Without Tomorrow v okviru projekta Black Dot, izdana pri berlinski založbi Mechatronica.
- Christian Kroupa in Le Chocolat Noir (LCN) pričneta izdajati skupne posnetke pod imenom Black Dot. Premierni posnetek je del kompilacijske izdaje The Male Body Will Be Next pri založbi Osare Editions italijanske didžejke Elene Colombi.
- Izdaja kratkometražne gramofonske plošče (EP) Worlds Connect v sodelovanju s hrvaškim glasbenikom Le Chocolat Noir (LCN) pri novonastali slovenski založbi KRI.
- Izdaja posnetka pod psevdonimom Alleged Witches pri ameriški založbi Science Cult kot del kompilacijske izdaje Point Central 1.
- Izdaja posnetka Frío de Muerte pod psevdonimom Alleged Witches pri britanski založbi Badlands v okviru kompilacijske izdaje The Midnight Society Vol. 1.
- Christian Kroupa izda posnetek Blooming Foliage pri francoski založbi Grid v okviru kompilacijske izdaje Da Capo Al Coda.
- Izdaja dolgometražne gramofonske plošče (LP- long play album) Work After Machinery pod psevdonimom Alleged Witches pri založbi Natural Sciences iz Manchestra.
- Izdaja kratkometražne gramofonske plošče (EP) z imenom A Little Flower pri angleški založbi Fruit Merchant.
- Izdaja posnetka v okviru kompilacijske izdaje Driving Blind Vol. 1 pri francoski založbi in kolektivu Les Yeux Orange.
- Izdaja posnetka It Must Have Been an Animal pod psevdonimom Alleged Witches kot kompilacijske gramofonske plošče z imenom Age In Decline pri založbi Natural Sciences.
- Izdaja kratkometražne gramofonske plošče (EP) v navezavi z angleškim glasbenikom Yilo v okviru plošče Functional Combination And Collaborations- Vol. 1.
- Izdaja kratkometražne gramofonske plošče (EP) Initation Rituals pod imenom Alleged Witches pri angleški založbi ter festivalu Dimensions.
- Produkcija glasbe v navezavi z Gašperjem Torkarjem za gledališko predstavo Triadni Balet pod režisersko taktirko Jana Krmelja kot del projekta Noč raziskovalcev ter 100 let FF UL.
- Izdaja kratkometražne gramofonske plošče (EP) One Skilled In The Black Arts pod imenom Alleged Witches pri samozaložbi Greyhound Days, kjer sta za remiks pesmi poskrbela angleški producent Hodge ter italijanski producent Marco Passarani.
- Prva izdaja kratkometražne gramofonske plošče (EP) Save the Spirits pod psevdonimom Alleged Witches pri angleški založbi Meda Fury.
- Izdaja posnetka One Skilled In The Black Arts pod psevdonimom Alleged Witches kot del kompilacijskega albuma Scuba- Fabric 90 pri založbi Fabric iz Londona.
- Remiks angleškega producenta Alexa Smokea: Manacles (Alleged Witches Divination Version) za založbi R&S Records.
- Prva izdaja kratkometražne gramofonske plošče (EP) A Dangerous Game pri založbi Farbwechsel.
- Christian Kroupa and Le Chocolat Noir (LCN), under the name Black Dot, contribute a recording for the cassette compilation release of the album MRG014, issued by the Italian label Marguerite Records.
- The track is also featured on the compilation Trust The Rust vol. 1 by the Ljubljana-based label KRI. On this compilation, Christian Kroupa also collaborates with the American musician and DJ Aura Nox.
- This is followed by the release of a short vinyl record (EP – extended play or mini-album) titled Structure Without Tomorrow as part of the Black Dot project, issued by the Berlin-based label Mechatronica.
- In 2022, Christian Kroupa and Le Chocolat Noir (LCN) begin releasing joint recordings under the name Black Dot. Their debut recording is part of the compilation release The Male Body Will Be Next by the label Osare Editions of the Italian DJ Elena Colombi.
- They also release the short vinyl record (EP) Worlds Connect in collaboration with the Croatian musician Le Chocolat Noir (LCN) under the newly established Slovenian label KRI.
- Additionally, they release a recording under the pseudonym Alleged Witches on the American label Science Cult as part of the compilation release Point Central 1.
- Another recording, Frío de Muerte, is released under the pseudonym Alleged Witches on the British label Badlands as part of the compilation release The Midnight Society Vol. 1.
- Christian Kroupa also releases the track Blooming Foliage on the French label Grid as part of the compilation release Da Capo Al Coda.
- The release of the full-length vinyl record (LP – long play album) Work After Machinery under the pseudonym Alleged Witches is made by the Manchester-based label Natural Sciences.
- In 2020, they release the short vinyl record (EP) titled A Little Flower on the English label Fruit Merchant.
- They also release a recording as part of the compilation release Driving Blind Vol. 1 by the French label and collective Les Yeux Orange.
- Additionally, a recording titled It Must Have Been an Animal is released under the pseudonym Alleged Witches as part of the compilation vinyl record Age In Decline by the label Natural Sciences.
- They release another short vinyl record (EP) in collaboration with the English musician Yilo as part of the record Functional Combination And Collaborations- Vol. 1.
- In 2019, they release the short vinyl record (EP) Initation Rituals under the name Alleged Witches on the English label and festival Dimensions.
- They also produce music in collaboration with Gašper Torkar for the theatrical performance Triadni Balet directed by Jan Krmelj as part of the project Noč raziskovalcev (
= Night of researchers) and 100 let FF UL (= 100 years ofThe Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana).
- In 2018, they release the short vinyl record (EP) One Skilled In The Black Arts under the name Alleged Witches on the self-released label Greyhound Days, featuring remixes by the English producer Hodge and the Italian producer Marco Passarani.
- In 2017, the first release of the short vinyl record (EP) Save the Spirits is made under the pseudonym Alleged Witches on the English label Meda Fury.
- In 2016, the track One Skilled In The Black Arts is released under the pseudonym Alleged Witches as part of the compilation album Scuba- Fabric 90 by the London-based label Fabric.
- They also remix the track Manacles by the English producer Alex Smoke, releasing it as the Manacles (Alleged Witches Divination Version) for the label R&S Records.
In 2015, the first release of the short vinyl record (EP) A Dangerous Game is made on the label Farbwechsel.
Biografija in podatki o umetniku / BIOGRAPHY AND FACTS ABOUT ARTIST
- Christian Kroupa. V: beatport.com
- Christian Kroupa : biography. V: https://ra.co/dj/christiankroupa-si
- Search: Christian Kroupa. V: https://shapeplatform.eu/
Intervjuji / INTERVIEWS
- GABRIJAN, Pina: Christian Kroupa: “Klubska scena je eden od simbolov naših primarnih potreb” : intervju z glasbenim producentom Christianom Kroupo. V: MMC RTV SLO, 16. sep. 2021 ob 6:31.
- BULJAT, Ela: Ispod radara : Christian Kroupa. V: https://mixmagadria.com, 24. mar. 2020.
- GRŠ INTERVJU – KRISTJAN KROUPA. V: https://www.youtube.com/, Radio Študent, 6. nov. 2018
- Sonica – Psssst! Pogovori o glasbenem poslu | Festivalske platforme. V: youtube.com, vŽIVOsi, 27. sep. 2018.
- Kako preživeti glasbeni festival?.V: https://www.redbull.com/si-sl , 11. jun. 2018.
- Christian Kroupa: »You can’t really be into making just house or techno all the time.«. V: shapeplatform.eu, 15. avg. 2017.
- LALIĆ, Dino: Christian Kroupa : ”Glasba. Vsak dan, cel dan.”. V: https://www.redbull.com/si-sl, 25. jun. 2017 ob 6:14.
- Na Grillu radia Terminal: Christian Kroupa. V: old.delo.si, 02. mar. 2016 ob 12:03.
- S.i.l.e.n.c.i.o.// INTERVIEW CHRISTIAN KROUPA.V: https://thesoundofsilencio.com/
- BORKA, Borja: Black Dot: Love At Glance EP. V: Mladina, 13. sep. 2024
- KOMAR, Gvido: Kristjan Kroupa – čarovnik elektronske glasbe s Tovarniške. V: Logaške novice, Let. 55, št. 5 (2024), str. 19.
- MIJANOVIĆ, Dušan: Klub K4 razglašen za najboljši klub v regiji. V: sigic.si, 27. nov. 2018.
- MIHEVC, Urša: Logaški producent v svetovni špici?. V: radio94.si, 3. maj 2018.
- KOMPOŠ, Goran: Christian Kroupa, elektronski producent in didžej : … s posluhom za preteklost in pogledom v prihodnost. V: Mladina, št. 38, 18. sep. 2015.
- Elektronski zvoki na Klubskem maratonu. V: sobotainfo.com, 29. sep. 2013 19:40.
- V Kopru začetek Klubskega maratona. V: https://primorske.svet24.si, 20. sep. 2013 ob 12.42.
Video posnetki / VIDEOS
- Christian Kroupa x Le Chocolat Noir Live at Klub K4 x KRI. V: youtube.com, Christian Kroupa, 13. sep. 2022.
- RŠ proti toku: Živa elektronika na Ljubljanici. V: youtube.com, Radio Študent, pretočno predvajano v živo: 10. maj 2021.
- SOLVD: SolvdMag’s Monthly Residency at Klub K4 (October 2017). V: youtube.com, SolvdMag, 15. nov. 2017.
- Christian Kroupa Boiler Room Ljubljana Live Set, 10. avg. 2017. V: youtube.com, Boiler Room, 10. avg. 2017.
- Videoposnetek oddaje GRILL 021 w / Christian Kroupa. V: radioterminal.live, 22. feb. 2016.
- Christian Kroupa jackin for good @ K4 Ljubljana, during MENT FESTIVAL. V: youtube.com, Leiben, 22. mar. 2015.
- Krokarjeva IV. Timelapse intro teaser. V: youtube.com, Robi Kurent, 18. jul. 2014.
- Festival TRESK #5. V: youtube.com, Radio Študent, 11. apr. 2014.
- BELI ŠUM #5: Christian Kroupa 15.01.2014 21:00, Centralna Postaja. V: youtube.com, uho oko, 15. jan. 2014.
Filmska glasba / FILM MUSIC & SOUNDTRACS
Glasbeni posnetki / MUSIC LINKS
- Black Dot – Losing Game [ITALO MODERNI]. Objava: 12. sep. 2024
- Black Dot – Insatiable. Objava: 6. sep. 2024
- Black Dot: “Losing game (Adrian Marth Remix)”. Objava: 26. jun. 2024
- Lifecutter: Siclar Remixes. Objava: 2024
- Christian Kroupa x LCN – The Quest (Alessandro Adriani Remix). Objava: 15. apr. 2024
- Christian Kroupa x LCN – The Hate That You Preach. Objava: 15. apr. 2024
- Christian Kroupa x LCN – Electro City Express. Objava: 15. apr. 2024
- Aura Nox & Christian Kroupa – Compound Lies. Objava: 7. feb. 2024
- Black Dot – Recurrent Disorder. Taken from MRG014 Various Artists. Objava: 5. nov. 2023
- Song For A Martian (Christian Kroupa Remix). Objava: 30. sep. 2023
- Blind To The Beauty (Manuel Fischer Remix) · Christian Kroupa · Manuel Fischer. Objava: 12. sep. 2023
- Christian Kroupa – Lapland. Objava: 17. avg. 2023
- Christian Kroupa – Symmetry. Objava 17. avg. 2023
- Christian Kroupa – Symetry. Objava 17. avg. 2023
- Alexander Geon – Nix Et Nox (Nocturne Sessions Thirty Three) Kompilacija. Objava 3. avg. 2023
- Christian Kroupa – Genome. Objava 10. jun. 2023
- The Beginning of Always · Christian Kroupa. Objava: 7. jun. 2023
- Familiar Struggles Christian Kroupa – tema EP Burden Of Insecurity.
- Christian Kroupa x LCN – The Quest. Objava: 4. maj 2023
- Black Dot – Black Dot (Cardopusher Remix) [MTRONW011]. na plošči Structure without tomorrow Objava: 28. apr. 2023
- PREMIERE: Aura Nox & Christian Kroupa – Your Constraints Lack Power [KRI002]. On: Trust The Rust vol.1'. Objava: 28. apr. 2023
- Black Dot – Black Dot (Version X) [MTRONW011]. na plošči Structure without tomorrow. Objava: 21. apr. 2023
- Black Dot – Kiss Of The Leaf [MTRONW011]. na plošči Structure without tomorrow. Objava: 18. apr. 2023
- Black Dot: Structure Without Tomorrow 1.. Black Dot – Hatred [MTRONW011] na plošči Structure without tomorrow. Objava: 15. apr. 2023
- | PREMIERE | Spinal – Condena | [KRI Records] Iz kompilacije: "Trust the Rust". Objava: 13. apr. 2023
- Black Dot – Morality of Violence [MTRONW011] plošči Structure without tomorrow. Objava: 28. mar. 2023
- Kwasir – Parallel Universe. Objava: 31. dec. 2022
- GL[D] – Wave Of Disaster [Deepindub.org] [Deep, Dub, Minimal, Techno]: kompilacija. Objava: 29. dec. 2022
- Kwasir – Song For A Martian (Christian Kroupa Remix) [FERMA]. Objava: 12. dec. 2022
- Emotional Resonance · Christian Kroupa. Na plošči: Driving Blind Vol. 1. Objava: 26. okt. 2022
- Christian Kroupa x LCN – Electro City Express. Objava: 5. sep. 2022
- Christian Kroupa x LCN – A Constraint Attached. Objava: 4. sep. 2022
- E plain an kidipe (Christian Kroupa Remix) Katja Šulc – tema. Objava: 24. jul. 2020
- Christian Kroupa- Amazing Maze. Objava 4. maj 2022
- Christian Kroupa- Deepest Needs. Objava: 4. maj 2022
- Christian Kroupa- Just A Friendly Reminder (na kompilaciji z 28-imi posnetki: Twin System: Victim Of The System 2020 ). Objava: 4. maj 2022
- Christian Kroupa- The Basic Thesis. Objava: 4. maj 2022
- Christian Kroupa- A Little Flower. Objava: 3. maj 2022
- Christian Kroupa- Bouquet Of Flowers. Objava: 3. maj 2022
- Christian Kroupa- New Each Day na plošči Dangerous Game. Objava: 3. maj 2022
- Christian Kroupa- Blind To The Beauty. Objava: 3. maj 2022
- Blooming Foliage. V: https://www.boomplay.com, 2022
- Christian Kroupa – Deprived. Objava: 29. nov. 2020
- Christian Kroupa – Nymphaea Kabuki. Objava 13. jul. 2020
- Christian Kroupa – Ofelia. Objava 12. jun. 2020
- Christian Kroupa – What's All About. Objava: 31. maj 2020
- It's Him Right Christian Kroupa – tema. Objava 5. maj 2020
- Christian Kroupa – Human Together (FARB014) na plošči Dangerous Game. Objava: 12. dec. 2018
- Aristocracy (Christian Kroupa Remix) · Strahinja Arbutina Burn the Gym. Objava: 26. okt. 2018
- Deprived · Christian Kroupa. Objava: 8. jun. 2018
- Better (Of) Me (Christian Kroupa Remix). Objava: 22. feb. 2018
- Better (Of) Me (Christian Kroupa Remix) · YILA. Objava 22. feb. 2018
- Katja Šulc – E plain an kidipe (Christian Kroupa Remix). Objava: 10. jul. 2017
- Christian Kroupa – Only Skin Deep. Objava: 10. apr. 2017
- Christian Kroupa – All Your Devotion. Objava: 10. apr. 2017
- Christian Kroupa – Love With Words. Objava 10. apr. 2017
- [VKM005] B2 Christian Kroupa – Jackin For Good. Objava 30. jan. 2017
- Christian Kroupa – A Sense Of Serenity [Chilli Space 11]. Objava: 1. maj 2016
- Christian Kroupa – Manifested World. Objava: 9. feb. 2016
- Christian Kroupa – tema (29 videoposnetkov). Pridruženi član od 15. dec. 2015.
- Christian Kroupa – A Dangerous Game. Objava: 3. nov. 2015
- Christian Kroupa – "Those Other Guys Will Put You Down". Objava: 22. avg. 2015
- Christian Kroupa – "Those Other Guys Will Put You Down" STIROPOR – STIROPOR vol.2 (Black Album). Objava: 22. avg. 2015
- Christian Kroupa – New Each Day EP: A Dangerous Game. Objava: 23. jun. 2015
- Christian Kroupa – Human Together: na plošči A Dangerous Game. Objava: 15. jun. 2015
- Christian Kroupa – Deprived. Taken from Ctrl N: Poglavje slovenske elektronike | A Chapter in Slovene Electronics. Objava: 6. mar. 2015
- Christian Kroupa’s Top Songs. V: https://www.viberate.com
- Alleged Witches / Christian Kroupa, Ljubljana x Berlin, Germany. V: https://soundcloud.com
- New Year's Special EP. V: https://www.youtube.com/ New Year's Special EP
- Christian Kroupa. V: https://open.spotify.com
- Christian Kroupa. V: last.fm
- Christian Kroupa: Burden of Insecurity. V: https://soundcloud.com
- Elektroliza: Christian Kroupa: Transhumanism. V: https://soundcloud.com
- TL PREMIERE: Christian Kroupa x LCN titled ‘The Hate That You Preach’ from the EP "Worlds Connect". V: https://soundcloud.com
- Black Dot // Christian Kroupa x Le Chocolat Noir Releases Alleged Witches / Christian Kroupa. V: https://soundcloud.com
Oddaje in recenzije / BROADCASTS & MUSIC REVIEWS
- Radio Študent: Kristjan Kroupa – voditelj oddaje Flash Forward (arhiv oddaj).
- SEZNAM skladb za 7. 12. 2023, 7.00-11.00 (Kristjan Kroupa) : Kristjan Kroupa / 7. 12. 2023-7.00 / Glasbene opreme. V: https://radiostudent.si/
- LALIĆ, Dino: CHRISTIAN KROUPA. V: https://radiostudent.si, Oddaja DJ seansa, 20. 2. 2015 ob 23.00
- MIOČIĆ, Marko: 100 TAJNIH DECIBELOV. V: https://radiostudent.si, Oddaja 100 decibelov, 20. 6. 2023 ob 12.00
- ČERNE, Veronika: OFNANA_PESA: PILGRIM EXILE + CHRISTIAN KROUPA X LCN: WORLDS CONNECT. V: https://radiostudent.si, Oddaja Tolpa bumov, 2. 12. 2022 -ob19.00
- KOCJANČIČ, Gregor: Christian Kroupa x LCN: Worlds Connect EP, 2022, KRI Records. V: Mladina, št. 40, 7. okt. 2022.
- GR VAJENKE: KROUPA ŠTA. V: https://radiostudent.si, Oddaja Svaštarnica, 12. 2. 2021 ob 9.05
- SELIŠKAR, Luka: SONICA WINTER VENICE EDITION: LEE GAMBLE, SPATIAL, CHRISTIAN KROUPA, KO0 / RANDOM LOGIC, Spazio Aereo, Benetke, 16. 12. 2016. V: https://radiostudent.si, Oddaja RŠ recenzija, 19. 12. 2016 ob 14.30
- :: DIRTY PODCAST 108 :: Christian Kroupa [RadioAparat]
Dogodki / EVENTS
- Black Dot : ELECTRO / EBM / DARKWAVE. V: ment.si, 24. 2. 2024.
- FEBRUAR V K4: 13 dogodkov z artisti iz 10 držav. V: music24.si, feb. 2024.
- K4 NYE 2024, KLUB K4 Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana, 31. decembra 2023 ob 23:00. V: https://mynight.aktualno.si
- 10 JAHRE DIFFUSE REALITY • Markgrafendamm 24c, 10245 Berlin, Germany • Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:00 – 10:00. V: https://ra.co/
- Channel Zero: Zasilni izhod : Christian Kroupa V: ch0.org, sob. 08. 07. 2023 ob 23:00.
- MENT 2023 / Gala Hala, AKC Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana / petek, 31 marec, 2023 20:45. V: galahala.com
- Zasilni Izhod. V: Channel Zero, 8. jul. 2023.
- K4 x KRI: TV.OUT + Christian Kroupa x LCN Live. V: olaii.com, petek, 9. sep. 2022 • 23:00 Klub K4.
- K4 x KRI, 9. sep. 2022. V: https://www.facebook.com/klubk4, 6. sep. 2022.
- BUTIK FESTIVAL 2022 (tudi Alleged Witches, Christian Kroupa x Le Chocolat Noir, op. p.). V: https://mynight.aktualno.si, 14. jul. 2022.
- Triadni balet. V: https://veza.sigledal.org/
- Scena Liveurope w letniej odsłonie Stodoły – Christian Kroupa / Alleged Witches. V: https://waw4free.pl, czwartek, 27 sierpnia 2020 (27. avg. 2020, op. p.).
- MARKO, Lucija: Butik Festival 2019: butični festival elektronske glasbe : 12. do 14. jul. 2019, Sotočje, Tolmin. V: https://citymagazine.si, 28. maj 2019.
- Cashmere Radio / Shows / Cashmere Guest Mixes / Christian Kroupa / Alleged Witches. V: https://cashmereradio.com/, 29. sep. 2018
- Dimension Festival 2018 (Line Up: Alleged Witches, op. p.), Pula, Croatia, 29. avg. 2018, 19:00 – 06:00 (30. avg. 2018). V: https://ra.co/
- K4x4 w/ Evident, Lara, Christian Kroupa, 7. jul. 2018 ob 23:00 do 8. jul. 2018 do 5:00.V: karantanija.com
- SOLVD Closing. V: karantanija.com, jun. 2018.
- Cosmic Sex w/ SZCH, Christian Kroupa & NIOBE – Avtonomna Tovarna Rog. V: atrog.org, 30. mar. 2018. V:es.ra.co
- Solvd v ljubljanskem klubu K4. V: dnevnik.si, 17. okt. 2017.
- Christian Kroupa letos na Sónarju : nastop v živo na mednarodnem glasbenem festivalu v Barceloni (18.-20. junij). V: https://www.redbull.com/si-sl/ 25.06.2017 · 7:45.
- KOLAR, Damjana: REJVikend. V: Mladina, 9. jun. 2017.
- Boiler Room Ljubljana: Stiropor. V: mojewkarte.si, 14. apr. 2017 ob 22:00.
- Christian Kroupa / Alleged Witchews – 2017 – Country : SI – SOUNDCLOUD. V: shapeplatform.eu.
- Connctd NYE Edition w Uno Taman, Mayell, Tzena, Christian Kroupa. V: olaii.com, Nedelja, 31.dec. 2017 ob 23:55 Pivovarniška ulica 6rejv.si.
- Najava: LAUREL HALO, STRAHINJA ARBUTINA , ALLEGED WITCHES. V: Klub Močvara, terapija.net, 19.10.2017.
- MOSTOVNA PREDSTAVLJA: Analogue/Digital: Christian Kroupa, Nico, Roli, 10. junij 2017 ob 23:00. V: mostovna.com.
- Spazio Aereo X Sonica. V: shapeplatform.eu, 16. dec. 2016.
- Festival Sonica – Kino Šiška: Tim Hecker: Love Streams + Christian Kroupa. V: kinosiska.si, 27. sep. 2016
- 16/9/2016 odpira vrata prenovljeni klub K4 / program. V: had.si, 8. sep. 2016.
- Channel Zero junij 2016. V: si21.co, jun. 2016.
- Tim Hecker: Love Streams & Christian Kroupa. V: motamuseum.com, Sonica Festival 2016, 27. sep.-1. okt. 2016
- Celovečerec: Christian Kroupa. V: pritlicje.si, 9. jun. 2016 ob 19:00.
- Pritličje : večer ob izidu kompilacije. V: tresk.si, 19. mar. 2015 od 19:00-03:00.
- Concert / Bunker v Argentinskem parku / Jerusalem in My Heart / CTRL N: Jozo Elektronik, Christian Kroupa, Sonica 2015. V: https://www.flickr.com, MoTA Museum of Transitory Art 14. nov 2015.
- Klubski maraton RŠ: Christian Koupa in Reverend Haze 11. 10. 2013 – 12. 10. 2013: 21:00 – 02:00. V: https://www.kotlovnica.si/
- KLUBSKI MARATON 2013, 20. 9. 2013 – 8. 11. 2013. V: https://radiostudent.si
- Marguerite Records invites KRI Records with Christian Kroupa and Lavka vs Schrauff. V: rinse.fm, 07/10/2023
- Christian Kroupa X LCN WORLDS CONNECT EP 12 Inch KRI / KRI001. V: decks.de, 12. sep. 2023 (objava)
- WORLDS CONNECT EP. V: https://www.deejay.de, 6. sep. 2022 (released)
- All Your Devotion (Original Mix). V: boomplay.com, 2017
- Christian Kroupa – A Dangerous Game. V: discogs.com, 10. sep. 2015.
- Christian Kroupa. V: open.spotify.com
- Christian Kroupa V: beatport.com
- Christian Kroupa. V: https://music.apple.com/
- Christian Kroupa. V: www.discogs.com
- VINYL CHRISTIAN KROUPA X LCN – WORLDS CONNECT EP [KRI]. V: https://www.discopiu.com/it
- Kwasir: Screams From Outer Space. V: https://www.amazon.com/
- Christian Kroupa – A Little Flower. V: https://www.jetsetrecords.net
- Alleged Witches: Initiation Rituals. V: https://bleep.com/
- Alleged Witches / Christian Kroupa, Ljubljana x Berlin, Germany. V: soundcloud.com
- CHRISTIAN KROUPA – A LITTLE FLOWER. V: https://www.jetsetrecords.net
- Next Wave Acid Punx DEUX – Secret Cuts by Curses. V: https://cursesforever.bandcamp.com
- DIFFUSE REALITY. V: https://diffusereality.bandcamp.com
- Christian Kroupa – The Three Ages of Man and Death. V: https://zars.bandcamp.com
- Christian Kroupa – A Little Flower. V: https://lighthouserecords.jp/
- Worlds Connect by Christian Kroupa x LCN (Black Dot) The Quest (Alessandro Adriani Remix). V: https://krirecords.bandcamp.com
- Pisni vir: Kristjan Kroupa, avgust 2023
- Christian Kroupa. V: beatport.com
- Christian Kroupa : biography. V: https://ra.co/dj/christiankroupa-si
- GABRIJAN, Pina: Christian Kroupa: “Klubska scena je eden od simbolov naših primarnih potreb” : intervju z glasbenim producentom Christianom Kroupo. V: MMC RTV SLO, 16. sep. 2021 ob 6:31.
- LALIĆ, Dino: Christian Kroupa : ”Glasba. Vsak dan, cel dan.”. V: Red Bull Music Academy (RBMA), 25. jun. 2017 ob 6:14.
- ZORIČ, Gregor: Elektronska glasba. V: Kulturno medijski center Slovenije, 6. mar. 2023.
- GOLIČ, Janez: Kratka zgodovina elektronske glasbe. V: http://www.rockobrobje.com/
- Elektronska glasba. V: https://www2.arnes.si/
- Electronic Music. V: https://en.wikipedia.org/
- Electronica. V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- Electronic dance music (EDM). V: https://en.wikipedia.org/
- Contemporary electronic music. V: https://ultimatepopculture.fandom.com
- Techno. V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- Dub techno. V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- House. V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- Electro. V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- Industrial. https://en.wikipedia.org
- Drone. https://en.wikipedia.org
- Ambient. V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- Dark ambient. V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- Wave. V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- Dark wave. V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- Electronic body music (EBM). V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- Electronic dance music (EDM). V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- Trance. V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- POJMOVNIK teorije glasbe : elektronska glasbV: UL-FF, Oddelek za muzikologijo, 25. feb. 2017.
- SIMČIČ, Andrej: Sodobno digitalno reproduciranje elektronske glasbe : diplomsko delo. V: UL-Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, http://eprints.fri.uni-lj.si/, 2009
- RADIVOJAC, Dražen: Vloga menedžmenta v svetu elektronske glasbe : diplomsko delo. V: UL- Fakulteta za družbene vede, http://dk.fdv.uni-lj.si/, 2017
- Krautrock. V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- Experimental music. V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- COPE, Julian: Krautrocksampler, 1995. V: https://en.wikipedia.org
- Space rock. V: https://en.wikipedia.org