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KROUPA, Kristjan

Christian Kroupa. Foto: Robi Kurent, 21. feb. 2023

Galleria fotografica

8. October 1990, Postojna, Socialistična federativna republika Jugoslavija (SFRJ)
Christian Kroupa, Alleged Witches
Luoghi di attività:

»A truly astounding piece of work.« 

Andrew Weatherall (legendary english musician, DJ, songwriter, producer and remixer) about EP “Initiation Rituals”.


Mednarodno uveljavljeni didžej in glasbeni producent sodobne elektronske glasbe z umetniškim imenom Christian Kroupa,  pokriva žanre od techna, dub techna, housa, electra, industrial, drone, ambient, dark ambient, wavedark wave, EBM (electric body music), EDM (electronic dance music), trance in druge sorodne žanre in podžanre. Otroštvo je preživel v Logatcu ter šolanje nadaljeval na Gimnaziji Postojna in na Gimnaziji Antona Aškerca v Ljubljani. Kot najstnik je bil športno aktiven, spogledoval pa se je tudi z (elektronsko) glasbo skupin The Prodigy, Scooter in z glasbo alternativnih klubskih izvajalcev, kot so James Ruskin, Adam Beyer, Richie Hawtin in drugi. Ključen za njegovo aktivno usmeritev v glasbene vode je bil obisk poletnega drum&bass dogodka na Trnfestu leta 2008, kjer je ob opazovanju lokalnih didžejev prišel do spoznanja, da bo sam pričel ustvarjati elektronsko “klubsko” glasbo.

Študij je sicer nadaljeval na Fakulteti za družbene vede, smer Analitska politologija, a se je potem raje 100% posvetil glasbi. Prve njegove izdaje segajo v leto 2010. Leta 2013 se je prijavil na Klubski Maraton Radia Študent. Bil je izbran in svojo glasbo je lahko predvajal občinstvu širom po Sloveniji. Potem se je na pobudo Dina Lalića prijavil na natečaj korporacije Red Bull Music Academy. Prijava je bila uspešna, saj je bil med šestdesetimi izbranci izmed več kot šest tisoč prijavljenimi. Izbor je pomenil večtedensko glasbeno izobraževanje v Tokiu, kjer je poleg spoznavanja glasbenega ustvarjanja in glasbene industrije spoznal tudi mnogo znanih glasbenikov elektronske glasbe. Posledično je nastopal v kultnem »placu« »The Liquidroom« v centru Tokia. Prvo vinilno ploščo je izdal pri založbi Farbwechsel. Takrat je prevzel tudi vodenje oddaje Flash Forward na Radiu Študent. V tem času je začel ustvarjati tudi pod imenom »Alleged Witches« z namenom ustvarjati bolj »tribal house« klubsko elektroniko ter v tem času navdušil precej občinstva v Veliki Britaniji. Legendarni britanski glasbeni producent, DJ oz. didžej klubske elektronske glasbe in ključni didžej acid housa, Andrew Weatherall, je EP ploščo Alleged Witches (alias Christian Kroupa): »Initiation Rituals«, ki je izšla pri angleški založbi ter festivalu Dimensions, ocenil kot »A truly astounding piece of work.« (= Osupljivo glasbeno delo, prevod Pina Gabrijan ). Tekom obdobja epidemije »Covid 19« je spet začel ustvarjati pod svojim prvotnim umetniškim imenom Christian Kroupa. Zadnje čase je bolj fokusiran na žanre kot so electro, EBM in podobne. Od leta 2021 sodeluje s hrvaškim (iz industrijskega Siska) didžejem in glasbenim producentom »Le Chocolat Noir (LCN)« pod skupnim imenom »Black Dot«. Kristjan Kroupa je poleg produkcije glasbe in izdaje plošč pri različnih priznanih tujih založbah in pri domači KRI (2021) čest gost glasbenih festivalov in znanih evropskih klubov s sodobno (plesno) elektronsko glasbo v Ljubljani, Berlinu, Varšavi, Pragi, Londonu, Barceloni in drugod.


Internationally renowned DJ and music producer of contemporary electronic music under the artistic name Christian Kroupa covers genres ranging from techno, dub techno, house, electro, industrial, drone, ambient, dark ambient, wave, dark wave, EBM (electric body music), EDM (electronic dance music), trance, and other related genres and subgenres. He spent his childhood in Logatec and continued his education at high school in Postojna and high school Gimnazija Anton Aškerc in Ljubljana. As a teenager, he was active in sports and also flirted with (electronic) music from groups like The Prodigy, Scooter, and alternative club performers such as James Ruskin, Adam Beyer, Richie Hawtin, and others. A pivotal moment in his active direction towards music was attending a summer drum & bass event at Trnfest in 2008, where, while observing local DJs, he came to the realization that he would start creating electronic “club” music himself. He continued his studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, majoring in Analytical Political Science, but then decided to dedicate himself 100% to music. His first releases date back to 2010. In 2013, he applied to Radio Student’s Club Marathon. He was selected, and his music could be played to audiences across Slovenia. He then, at the suggestion of Dino Lalić, applied to the Red Bull Music Academy competition. The application was successful, as he was among the sixty chosen out of over six thousand applicants. The selection meant weeks of music education in Tokyo, where, in addition to learning about music creation and the music industry, he also met many well-known electronic music musicians. As a result, he performed at the legendary venue The Liquidroom in the center of Tokyo. He released his first vinyl record with the label Farbwechsel. At that time, he also took over the management of the Flash Forward show on Radio Student. During this time, he also started creating under the name “Alleged Witches“, aiming to produce more “tribal house” club electronic music and during this time gained quite a following in Great Britain. The legendary British music producer, DJ, or electronic music club DJ and key acid house DJ, Andrew Weatherall, reviewed the EP record Alleged Witches (alias Christian Kroupa): “Initiation Rituals,” released by the English label and festival Dimensions, as “A truly astounding piece of work.” During the period of the “Covid 19” epidemic, he started creating again under his original artistic name Christian Kroupa. Lately, he has been more focused on genres such as electro, EBM, and similar. Since 2021, he has been collaborating with Croatian (from the industrial town of Sisak) DJ and music producer “Le Chocolat Noir (LCN)” under the joint name “Black Dot“. In addition to producing music and releasing records with various renowned foreign labels and with the domestic KRI (2021), Christian Kroupa is a frequent guest at music festivals and well-known European clubs with contemporary (dance) electronic music in Ljubljana, Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, London, Barcelona, and elsewhere.

Dela / WORKS
















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In 2015, the first release of the short vinyl record (EP) A Dangerous Game is made on the label Farbwechsel.










Autore/autrice della voce: Gvido Komar, Knjižnica Logatec
Data del primo inserimento: 26. 4. 2024 | Ultima modifica: 27. 9. 2024
Gvido Komar. KROUPA, Kristjan. (1990-). Obrazi slovenskih pokrajin. Mestna knjižnica Kranj, 2020. (citirano: 8. 10. 2024) Dostopno na naslovu: https://www.obrazislovenskihpokrajin.si/it/oseba/kroupa-kristjan/
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