Home Advanced Search Advanced Search Advanced Search Advanced Search Gender -- Male Female Other Surname Name Pseudonym Alternative names Date of birth Place of birth Date of death Place of death Lexicon Vsi leksikoni Celjskozasavski Dolenjci Gorenjci Korošci Osrednjeslovenski Pomurci Primorci Spodnjepodravci Štajerci Slovenians living in neighbouring countries and around the world Professions and Activities -- a battleship captain a blacksmith a botanist a bowler a boxer a carpenter a carpenter a caterer a Catholic monk a catholic priest a chemist a chess player a church speaker a columnist a comic artist a criminal a dancer a draftsman a dramatist a fairy tale a farmer a fidget spinner a fighter for the northern border a freedom fighter a friend of France Prešeren a friend of the poet Kette a geneticist a golfer a journalist a judoka a lawyer a lawyer a literary person a lover of technical heritage a marauding knight a member of the Falcons a member of the special battalions in Sardinia a mentor a midwife a Montanist a mountaineer a mountaineer a museologist a musician a neurologist a news reporter a nobleman a novelist a novelist a painter a paper worker a paramedic a partisan general a partisan informant a pathologist a philosopher a pioneer of American expatriates a pioneer of jet propulsion a pious poet a pious writer a pious writer a poacher a poet a policeman a potter a preternaturalist a prose writer a Protestant writer a psychiatrist a psychologist a riddler a satirist a schoolboy a scientist a seaman a shoemaker a soldier a surgeon a swimmer a tailor a teacher a technician a Theatian a traveler a veteran of WW1 a winemaker a writer abbot aboriginal ally academic graphic designer academic musician academic painter academic sculptor accompanist accountant accounting specialist acrobatic rock and roll dancer activist actor administrative law expert administrative officer administrator admiral aerial reconnaissance aerial reconnaissance in WW1 agricultural consultant agricultural expert agricultural writer agrochemist agronomist agronomy engineer aircraft modeler alpine skier alternative healer amateur actor amateur culturist amateur director amateur ethnologist amateur historian amateur linguist amateur painter amateur photographer amateur sculptor ambassador ambassador an academician An acquaintance of Kette and Pugl an anthropologist an architect an artist an astronomical writer an athlete an athlete an aviator an embroiderer an entrepreneur an essayist an esthete an expatriate priest an industrialist an informant an innkeeper an innkeeper an interpreter an obstetrician an officer an opera singer andragogue animator of animated films announcer anthologist anti-fascist antiquarian antiquarian aphorist apostolic administrator Apostolic visitor archaeologist archbishop Archdeacon archer archivist archivist archpriest art blacksmith art creator art critic art critic art designer art historian art occupational therapist art teacher art teacher art theorist artist artistic creator artistic director Askerč's awardee assembler associate of OF associate professor astrologer astronomer astrophysicist attache audiovisual publisher Augustinian author of film proposals Auxiliary bishop aviation writer babysitter ballet dancer ballet soloist bank clerk banker baritone barnabit baron basketball player bassist beekeeper beekeeping expert beekeeping organizer beekeeping writer bell ringer belt Benedictine benefactor biathlete Biblicist bibliographer bibliophile bibliotherapist biochemist biographer biologist bishop black brother blacksmith master Blessed blogger Bloudko's prize winner book agent book editor bookbinder bookkeeper border and maritime protector borderland researcher bowler brewer bricklayer brigadier builder builder builder builder builder of dry walls and shepherd's houses building custodian business consultant businessman businessman butcher cafe calligrapher camper Cankar's love canon Canonist cantor Capuchin car electrician cardiologist caretaker of mountain huts caricaturist Carthusian cartographer carver cast sculpture artist catechist catering manager catering worker cave meter caves cellist ceramic designer ceramics champion chansonnier chaplain chaplain charity worker chemical engineer chemical technologist chess grandmaster chess problemist choirmaster Chop's prize winner choreographer chronicler of sports history chronologist Church dignitary church historian church musician cinematographer Cistercian cither city city city civil engineer civil servant clarinetist Clarissa classical philologist climber clinical psychologist co-founder of the Slovenian association in Trieste co-producer coach coleopterologist collector collector of antiques collector of cultural heritage collector of folk goods collector of folk songs collector of folklore collector of folklore material collector of proverbs college teacher colonel colonel general comedian commander commander Commander of the Military Landscape commander of the Slovenian partisan army Commander Uskokov commercialist communication specialist competitive dancer compulsory administrator computer scientist computer scientist concert singer concert soloist confectioner connoisseur of Gregorian chant connoisseur of medicinal herbs conservator constitutional judge construction designer construction technician constructor consul cook cooperative cooperative worker copperplate correspondent costume designer council father Count counter-revolutionary counterfeiter of money court administrator craftsman criminologist critic Croatian writer cross-country skier crusader prior and comtur culinary consultant cultural and educational organizer cultural and educational worker cultural and political worker cultural animator cultural anthropologist cultural broker cultural historian cultural journalist cultural landscape researcher cultural manager cultural organizer cultural pedagogue cultural worker culture man culturologist curator curator saint cyclist cynologist član ljubljanske in novomeške literarne Zadruge črkostavec dacar dairy expert dance coach dance teacher dance teacher Deacon dean decorator defectologist defense scientist demographer dendrologist dental technician dentist dentist deputy mayor dermatovenerologist designer designer development engineer dialectologist didactic diplomat director director of photography director of the museum director of the public library disabled swimmer dissident district chief diver DJ docent doctor Doctor of Food Sciences doctor of historical sciences doctor of medical sciences Doctor of Science doctor of veterinary sciences Dogmatist Dominican drama critic drummer duke dulcimer player early bird ecclesiastical law specialists ecoactivist ecologist economic historian economic organizer economic technician economic writer economist educational organizer educational worker educator Egyptologist electrical engineer electrical engineer electrical engineer electrician electrohomeopath electromechanic electronics émigré poet Englishman engraver entomologist entrepreneur environmentalist epidemiologist Esperantist ethno-cultural activist ethnobotanist ethnographer ethnographer ethnographic writer ethnologist ethnomusicologist etymologist Evangelical Priest event organizer evivalist Exorcist expatriate expatriate benefactor expatriate cultural worker expatriate educator expatriate entrepreneur expatriate politician expatriate public servant expatriate publicist expatriate worker expatriate writer expert in computer science expert in military shipbuilding expert in road and railway construction factory family caregiver family therapist fan of Alojz Gradnik fashion designer Father Church fiddler film animator film critic film director film distributor film historian film scriptwriter film theorist film worker filmmaker filmologist financial advisor financial officer financier fine mechanic fire chief fire officer fire organizer fireman fisherman fishing expert fishing writer flautist flight instructor florist folk artist folk composer folk image painter folk musician folk painter folk poet folk singer folk string folk writer folklorist folklorist food technology engineer football goalkeeper football player football referee foreign policy researcher foreign writer foreman forester forestry engineer forestry engineer forestry expert forestry writer founder of the public library foundry foundry of bells and cannons Franciscan francist freelance artist freelance cultural worker fresco fruit grower futsal player gallerist game critic gamekeeper gardener genealogist general general linguist general practitioner geodesy engineer geographer geographical writer geologist geophysicist geopolitical analyst Germanist glazier glider pilot gold digger goldsmith goldsmith governor governor grammarian graphic designer graphics graphologist Greek Catholic priest Gregorčič's love guard guitarist gymnast gynecologist hairdresser handball player handball player handicraft craftsman harmonica player harpsichordist head of state protocol head teacher healer healer of the earth health worker heraldic herbalist historian historian hockey player Home Guard homeopath homilet honorary citizen honorary consul honorary major hop grower horticulturist hostage hotelier housewife humanist humor writer humorist hunter hunting expert hunting official hunting organizer hunting writer hydraulic engineer hygienist hypnotist ichthyologist icon painter illuminator illustrator image maker imitator independent entrepreneur indologist industrial designer infectologist informant about Prešeren innovator Inquisitor inscenator inspector instrumentalist insurance expert intarsia international chess master international culinary judge internee of war internist interwar activist inventor of a musical instrument iron worker Italianist jazz player jazz trumpet player Jenka's love Jenkov's patron Jesenko prize winner Jesuit jewelry designer Josephian journalist juggler Jurčič's love Kaikava poet Kajuh's prize winner keeper of castles Kette's acquaintance from Novi Sad Kette's fan keyboardist Kidric's prize winner kindergarten principal kinesiologist kitchen manager knight knjigarnar knjigotržec Kraigher Laureate krvodajalec labor organizer landlord landowner landscape architect Latinist layman leader of the resistance movement lecturer lecturer legal historian legal writer Levstik awardee Levstik's fan lexicographer librarian librarian library director lieutenant colonel lieutenant general lieutenant of a battleship linguist linguist literary comparativist literary creator literary critic literary editor literary historian literary theorist literary translator liturgist local historian local historian local history writer locksmith logician logistician logotherapist Lord of the fortress machinist majer major major general maker of stringed instruments malacologist manager in education manor house marathon runner Marian apparition marine biology marketing expert marriage officer marshal martyr Marxist master builder master carpenter master mason master of artificial smithing Master of Arts Master of Science master painter master stonemason Master's fighter mathematician mayor mechanic mechanical engineer mechanical engineer mechanical locksmith mechanical technician medalist media technology expert medical organizer medical technician medical writer member of Cyril-Metodo's society member of Kette's Cooperative member of parliament member of Parliament member of the Provincial Assembly memorialist merchant metal worker metallurgist meteorologist methodologist metropolitan metuljar mezzo-soprano microbiologist micropaleontologist microsurgeon military attache military commander military officer military pilot military priest military strategist military writer miller miner mineralogist miniaturist mining engineer mining expert mining organizer minister ministerials and vassals missionary mistik model model model maker monarch monk monsignor motor plane pilot motorcycle racer motorist mountain guide mountain guide mountain organizer mountain rescuer mountain runner mountain writer mountaineer mountaineer movie actor multi-instrumentalist multimedia artist multimedia producer municipal councilor municipal prize winner museologist museum consultant museum councilor museum worker music critic music editor music historian music organizer music pedagogue music producer music publicist music therapist musical essayist musical instrument maker musician musicologist mycologist mystic Napoleon's mistress Napoleon's soldier in Russia naravoslovni zbiralec national awakener national defense worker national hero national representative national worker native natural history writer naturalist nature conservationist naval officer neuropsychiatrist neurosurgeon NOB activist NOB fighter NOB historian NOB participant Nobel laureate noble family noble family notary public notary solicitor novelist numismatist occupational therapist oceanographer oenologist office clerk officer for culture and education official official Olympian Olympic champion oncologist oncologist operoz ophthalmologist ophthalmologist organ maker organ virtuoso organist organist organist organizer organizer of cultural events organizer of falconry societies organizer of musical events organizer of partisan healthcare organizer of partisan printing houses organizer of political camps and reading rooms organizer of the Chetnik movement organizer of the partisan veterinary service organologist orjunaš ornithologist otolaryngologist paleobotanists paleontologist parasitologist partisan partisan commander partisan doctor partisan fighter partisan mother partisan paramedic partisan teacher passigraph pastor pastor pastor of the Pentecostal church pathophysiologist patriarch patron patron Peasants' Revolt pedagogical consultant pedagogical worker pedagogical writer pedagogue pediatrician pedologist percussionist performer personnel manager pharmaceutical writer pharmacist pharmacist philanthropist philatelist philologist photographer photojournalist phthysiologist physical education worker physical education writer physicist physiotherapist phytopathologist phytophysiologist pianist piano teacher pioneer of horticulture playwright political activist political commissar political officer political persecutor political prisoner political prisoner political scientist political worker political writer political/cultural activist politician polyglot polyhistor polytechnic pomologist portraitist postal innovator postal worker postcard collector postman practitioner preacher Preacher prefect prelate preparer president assembly president of the city community president of the local community president of the provincialof the committee Prešeren award winner Prešeren's acquaintance Prešeren's classmate Prešeren's fan Prešeren's teacher Prešeren's worshiper priest Priest primary school Prime Minister prince bishop printer professional driver professional firefighter professional musician professional soldier professional translator professional writer professor of English and Russian professor of fine arts professor of geography professor of geography and history professor of history professor of mathematics professor of music professor of pedagogy professor of physical education professor of psychology professor of Slovenian language and literature professor of theology professor of theology project manager promoter of education Protestant Protestant preacher protestant theologian protomedical Protonotary apostolic provincial deputy provincial governor provincial prince provincial prosecutor psychic psychoanalyst psychotherapist public worker publicist pulmonologist Pupil of Valvasor puppet artist puppeteer quality systems manager rabbi racer radio amateur radio announcer radio contributor radio host radio journalist radiologist radiologist railway expert railway operator railwayman rally driver rapper rear admiral rebel rebel leader of the 97th Infantry Regiment in Radgona rebirther receptor recorder of folk goods recorder of folk songs reformer reformer of Slovenian prose relief worker religious impostor religious reformer reporter researcher researcher cultural heritage researcher of folklore restaurateur restorer of traditional vessels revolutionary rifleman righteous roller skater Romani poet rower RTV pioneer runner Russian safety engineer sailor saint Salesian Santa Claus saxophonist scenographer school administrator school inspector school organizer school principal school superintendent school writer scientific councilor scout screenwriter scriptor sculptor seamstress secretary secretary secretary of State seismologist self-made sculptor senior service manager shepherd ship owner ship's engineer shot putter singer singer singer-songwriter singing organizer Sinologist ski instructor ski instructor ski jumper Slavist Slavonicist Slovakian social activist social pedagogue social worker social worker social worker sociolinguist sociologist sociologist of culture sociopolitical worker soil mechanics expert soldier officer songwriter soprano Spanish fighter speaker specialist doctor specialist in occupational, transport and sports medicine specialist in seed production speech therapist sport climber sport parachutist sports coach sports cyclist sports journalist sports organizer sports pedagogue sports referee sports reporter sports shooter sports worker sports writer state councillor state deputy statesman static statistician stenographer stolni prošt stone heritage researcher stonecutter stratigrapher string sub-lister supporter supporter of literature and art surdopedagogue surveyor surveyor sweeper table tennis player Taekwondo player tanner teacher of lacemaking technical writer telepath television director television presenter television worker tennis player tenorist territorial textbook author textile expert textile technician textile technologist textile worker textile worker the archduke the arranger the author the bell ringer the captain the captain of a long voyage the chronicler the composer the conductor The Court Chaplain the director the distressed chronicler the editor the eloquent the emperor the first fighter the guard the instructor the inventor the inventor of photography the judge the king the leader of the Judenburg rebels the manager the moderator the narrator the owner of the museum the pilot the pioneer of aviation the president of the country the prince the producer the professor the reciter the rector The trumpeter's teacher and benefactor the village grandmother theater actor theater artist theater creator theater critic theater director theater historian theater mentor theater organizer theater singer theater teacher theater worker theatrologist theologian theological writer theoretician tightrope walker tigrovec tiskarnar touring skier tourism worker tourist guide trade unionist traffic engineer traffic officer translator transport commercialist Trappist travel writer travel writer Trdin's awardee Trdin's informant trombonist truck carrier typhologist ultramarathon swimmer union worker university lecturer university professor urban planner Ursuline utopian socialist Valvasor prize winner Valvasor's associate Venetologist verski organizator veteran of the war for Slovenia veterinarian veterinary inspector vicar Vicar General Vicar General of the Diocese vice marshal video artist video producer videographer violinist visual communication designer vocalist vojaški vikar volleyball player volunteer war exile war veteran warlord watchmaker welder welding expert wheelwright wholesaler wife of the poet Oton Župančič windsurfer winegrower wizard wood engineer woodworking technician work organizer worker world champion writer writer of domestic history writings you kayak youth poet youth worker youth writer založnik zlatomašnik Zois Award Winner zoo hygienist zoologist zoophysiologist Žagar's prize winner železomašnik Place of Work -- Municipality -- Ahten/Attimis (Italija) Ajdovščina Ankaran Apače Banjaluka (Bosna in Hercegovina) Bardo/Lusevera (Italija) Beltinci Benedikt Bistrica ob Sotli Bled Bloke Bohinj Borovnica Bovec Braslovče Brda Brezovica Brežice Cankova Celje Cerklje na Gorenjskem Cerknica Cerkno Cerkvenjak Cirkulane Čedad/Cividale (Italija) Čenta/Tarcento (Italija) Črenšovci Črna na Koroškem Črnomelj Destrnik Devin-Nabrežina/Duino Aurisina (Italija) Divača Doberdob/Doberdò del Lago (Italija) Dobje Dobrepolje Dobrna Dobrova - Polhov Gradec Dobrovnik/Dobronak Dol pri Ljubljani Dolenje/Dolegna del Collio (Italija) Dolenjske Toplice Dolina (Italija) Domžale Dornava Dravograd Dreka/Drenchia (Italija) Duplek Fara/Farra d'Isonzo (Italija) Fojda/Faedis (Italija) Gorenja vas - Poljane Gorica/Gorizia (Italija) Gorišnica Gorjani/Montenars (Italija) Gorje Gornja Radgona Gornji Grad Gornji Petrovci Grad Gradež/Grado Italija) Gradišče/Gradisca d'Isonzo (Italija) Grmek/Grimacco (Italija) Grosuplje Hajdina Hoče - Slivnica Hodoš/Hodos Horjul Hrastnik Hrpelje - Kozina Idrija Ig Ilirska Bistrica Ivančna Gorica Izola/Isola Jesenice Jezersko Juršinci Kamnik Kanal Kidričevo Kobarid Kobilje Kočevje Komen Komenda Koper/Capodistria Koprivno /Capriva del Friuli (Italija) Kostanjevica na Krki Kostel Kozje Kranj Kranjska Gora Križevci Krmin/Cormons (Italija) Krško Kungota Kuzma Laško Lenart Lendava/Lendva Litija Ljubljana Ljubno Ljutomer Log - Dragomer Logatec Loška dolina Loški Potok Lovrenc na Pohorju Luče Lukovica Majšperk Makole Maribor Markovci Medeja/Medea (Italija) Medvode Mengeš Metlika Mežica Miklavž na Drav. polju Milje/Muggia (Italija) Miren - Kostanjevica Mirna Mirna Peč Mislinja Mokronog - Trebelno Monošter/Szentgotthárd (Madžarska) Moravče Moravske Toplice Moš/Mossa (Italija) Mozirje Murska Sobota Muta Naborjet - Ovčja vas/Malborghetto - Val bruna (Italija) Naklo Nazarje Neme/Nimis (Italija) Nova Gorica Novo mesto Odranci Oplotnica Ormož Osilnica Pazin/Pisino (Hrvaška) Pesnica Piran/Pirano Pivka Podbonesec/Pulfero (Italija) Podčetrtek Podlehnik Podvelka Poljčane Polzela Poreč (Hrvaška) Postojna Prapotno/Prepotto (Italija) Prebold Preddvor Prevalje Ptuj Puconci Pula/Pulj (Hrvaška) Rače - Fram Radeče Radenci Radgona/Radkersburg (Avstrija) Radlje ob Dravi Radovljica Ravne na Koroškem Razkrižje Rečica ob Savinji Renče - Vogrsko Repentabor (Italija) Rezija/Resia (Italija) Ribnica Ribnica na Pohorju Rogaška Slatina Rogašovci Rogatec Ronke/Ronchi dei Legionari (Italija) Rovinj (Hrvaška) Ruše Selnica ob Dravi Semič Sevnica Sežana Slovenj Gradec Slovenska Bistrica Slovenske Konjice Sodražica Solčava Sovodnje ob Soči/Savogna d'Isonzo (Italija) Sovodnje/Savogna (Italija) Središče ob Dravi Srednje/Stregna (Italija) Starše Straža Sv. Lenart/San Leonardo (Italija) Sveta Ana Sveta Trojica v Slov. goricah Sveti Andraž v Slov. goricah Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici Sveti Jurij v Slov. goricah Sveti Tomaž Šalovci Šempeter - Vrtojba Šenčur Šentilj Šentjernej Šentjur Šentrupert Škocjan Škofja Loka Škofljica Šmarje pri Jelšah Šmarješke Toplice Šmartno ob Paki Šmartno pri Litiji Šoštanj Špeter/San Pietro al Natisone (Italija) Števerjan/San Floriano del Collio (Italija) Štore Tablja/Pontebba (Italija) Tabor Tavorjana/Torreano (Italija) Tipana/Taipana (Italija) Tišina Tolmin Trbiž/Tarvisio (Italija) Trbovlje Trebnje Trnovska vas Trst/Trieste (Italija) Trzin Tržič Tržič/Monfalcone (Italija) Tujina Turnišče Umag (Hrvaška) Velenje Velika Polana Velike Lašče Veržej Videm Videm/Udine (Italija) Vileš/Villesse (Italija) Vipava Vitanje Vodice Vojnik Vransko Vrhnika Vuzenica Zagorje ob Savi Zagraj/Sagrado Italija) Zavrč Zgonik/Sgonico (Italija) Zreče Žalec Železniki Žetale Žiri Žirovnica Žužemberk Search Number of people: 35 Date of Entry: 13. 1. 2020 BERHTOLD, Franc 26. November 1945 art creator, art teacher, industrial designer Korošci Kako obsežno je njegovo delo, dokazuje že podatek, da je avtor ustvaril več kot sto lesorezov, linorezov, sitotiskov, predvsem pa grafik. Date of Entry: 31. 5. 2019 BOROVNIČAR, Matjaž 22. June 1974 academic painter, art teacher Primorci Rojen je bil leta 1974 v Kopru. Študiral je v Benetkah: leta 1999 je diplomiral na beneški Akademiji lepih umetnosti in med 2000 in 2002 nadaljeval... Date of Entry: 13. 1. 2020 BREZOČNIK, Stojan 12. December 1954 art teacher, art creator Korošci V osemdesetih in devetdesetih letih je namenjal pozornost likovno-formalnim razmislekom, skicirkam in študijam. Date of Entry: 5. 6. 2024 CEDILNIK, Vladimir 6. July 1937 graphics, art teacher, a painter Dolenjci Grafik, slikar in dolgoletni mentor ter eden od ustanoviteljev Društva likovnikov Brežice pod okriljem katerega deluje Date of Entry: 29. 12. 2014 DANČ, Ladislav 1. July 1932–3. January 1979 art teacher, illustrator, academic painter Pomurci Ladislav Danč, sin čevljarja Janeza Danča in Ilone Danč, rojene Žilavec, je leta 1945 v Prosenjakovcih končal šest razredov, nato se je istega leta... Date of Entry: 15. 12. 2019 GERLOVIČ, Alenka 17. September 1919–9. December 2010 academic painter, art teacher, scenographer, puppeteer Osrednjeslovenski, Dolenjci Akademska slikarka, likovna pedagoginja in ugledna javna osebnost, ki je bila zaljubljena v slikanje. Date of Entry: 13. 1. 2020 GNAMUŠ, Gustav 18. November 1941–april 2024 academic painter, art teacher, the professor Korošci Akademski slikar Gustav Gnamuš je bil eden najvidnejših predstavnikov slovenskega abstraktnega slikarstva in zaslužni profesor Univerze v Ljubljani. Date of Entry: 23. 10. 2018 GÖNTÉR, Endre 19. February 1949 a painter, art teacher Pomurci Maturiral je na učiteljišču v Murski Soboti, nato pa študiral na Pedagoški akademiji v Mariboru, kjer je leta 1972 diplomiral na oddelku za likovn... Date of Entry: 2. 7. 2014 HEBERLE PERAT, Marija 19. March 1944 defectologist, photographer, art teacher Gorenjci Marija Heberle Perat je defektologinja, likovna pedagoginja in fotografinja. Date of Entry: 15. 12. 2019 HLADNIK GUŠTIN, Ana 16. December 1938 art teacher, a painter Dolenjci Delovala je kot likovna pedagoginja, ukvarjala se je tudi s knjižno ilustracijo. Date of Entry: 13. 1. 2020 HORJAK, Ciril 22. December 1975 illustrator, a comic artist, art teacher Korošci Je znan slovenski ilustrator in stripar. Že v osnovni šoli sta z bratom Metodom sama risala in pisala revijo Packa od črnila. Date of Entry: 15. 12. 2019 KAMBIČ, Mihael 14. September 1887–7. January 1979 art teacher, a painter Dolenjci Slikal je v olju, nekaj tudi v akvarelu in pastelu, večinoma krajino in portret. Največ njegovih slik se nahaja v Belokranjskem muzeju v Metliki. 1 2 3